Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Drinks at Place de la Contrescarpe

Saturday evening, our long time from New Yorker now living in Paris and Barcelona friend Peter Cyrus (who incidentally moved us out to Seattle for Rich to work with his company Parvia...another story), arranged to have a group of friends meet for drinks followed by a Moroccan dinner.  This was sketched during the drink part (I had a fresh orange juice) while we sat outside at a cafe.  It was pouring, really pouring rain...the weather is a current theme in many sketches at this point becuase it is defintely challenging to go out and sketch.  I hear this rain and cold in May is very unusual in Paris.

In this sketch, I really fell in love with the purple flowering trees--looking it up online, they may be Princess Trees.  They are blooming now and a soft, lilac color that glows in the gray light.

Place de la Contrescarpe, Paris in the pouring rain. May 18
Apparently Hemingway lived near here in the early 1920's

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful symmetry! The lovely lavendars glow against the yellows!
