Friday, May 17, 2013

The crowds were out today

After several days of sometimes heavy rain, it seems people came out of the woodwork to enjoy the rays.  Nearly every seat in the Jardin du Luxembourg that was collecting raindrops yesterday was collecting warm bodies today, and swarms of people filled the Tuilleries near the Louvre...and it isn't even summer yet!

Pre-summer crowds walk the Tuilleries from the Louvre. 
Check out the crowds checking out the Mona Lisa, happily grinning
behind thick glass (she knows she's safe.) The attractive art to either side of
 DaVinci's masterpiece are signs warning the public about pickpockets.  
Well, I too enjoyed the break in the rain and decided to sit with a sandwich and cola to sketch what I believe to be the Bibliotheque de Arts Décoratifs in the Tuilleries, dodging hawkers trying to sell mini-Eiffel towers.

Enjoying the sun and my emmentaler, butter and ham sandwich in the Tuilleries.
After sketching, I met a Paris Urban Sketcher, Martine, who invited me through the Louvre.  Thanks, Martine--it was great meeting you, and I look forward to meeting other Paris Sketchers!

One other observation today: French artist materials, such as paper and paint, are cheaper in the US than they are in France!  Go figure--paper made in France/shipped to the US is cheaper than paper made in France/stay in France.  I'm glad I brought some French watercolor paper with me...

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying your experiences vicariously! That's really odd that the French art materials are cheaper here!
