Monday, June 10, 2013

Where's my pencil?

Eglise Saint Gervais, Marais, Paris
June 9
Yesterday, my Gabriel Prize advisor Stephen Harby 
flew in from Rome to discuss my project and work 
thus far.  It was extremely helpful, but darn it, he
 discovered my achilles heal so quickly!  He is 
rightly encouraging me to paint with little or no 
line work, to willingly cross over and out of my 
comfort zone and put my pencil aside.  This is 
why I am here, afterall.

So off we went, sketchbooks in hand, to the 
nearby Eglise Saint Gervais, where we sat in 
the dark church (it was raining again outside, 
and cold) and both sketched with paint.  Here I
 attemped a nearly pencil-less sketch.  

He is right, I need to work on this in the search 
for my artistic self, so more of this to come.  

I wish I could channel John Singer Sargent...

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