Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rue de Cascade with Paris Urban Sketchers

Sorry I haven't been posting in a bit--I've been super busy, traveling to Versailles and Vaux le Vicomte for my Gabriel Prize project.  I'll post some of those study sketches soon.

Last week, I joined the Paris Urban Sketchers in the 20th Arrondissement to sketch at Rue de Cascades.  Apparently, this is a well-known spot buried in a working class neighborhood, as this little stone building sits atop a hole in the ground that goes all the way down to an underground river.  Built in the 1600's to be able to check the river's water levels.

Was great to join the Paris Sketchers--warm and welcoming, and they had great sketches to share.

Weather in Paris continues to be awful and stranger than ever--intense sudden storms, dark skies, with bits of sun every now and then.  Luckily, I had great weather this past Friday at Versailles and Sunday at Vaux.  More on those events later!
A Bientôt....

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