Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Soufflot's Pantheon

Soufflot's Pantheon, Paris. June 12
Today I went to buy watercolor paper, but upon arrival, found the store closed for lunch.
So I went and had lunch at a nearby creperie on rue Soufflot, and while I sat and ate my buckwheat crepe with chese, ham/bacon, and an egg on top for 9 euros, I did a quick sketch of the Pantheon.  

Construction of this building started in 1758 under Louis XV.  It was briefly a church but over the centuries became a mausoleum where the likes of Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Marie Curie, Louis Braille, and Soufflot, the architect, are all buried.

It's still very gray and drizzly out, so I had to make up the sense of shading on the building.

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