Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Three thousand five hundred and seventeen...

Now that I've had some time to scan images, this marks the start of posting more of the sketches from France, Italy, and Spain that didn't make it onto this blog before...

I just checked my Flickr page and somehow, this view (which I do NOT consider to be one of my best) has received 
3,517 views and 64 favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's the most of any sketch I've ever done by far.  I have no idea how, why...but this phenomenon is pretty wonderful.  I suspect this sketch somehow captures an aspect of Paris that appeals to people?

It was HOT evening, was wonderful to sit with the Paris Urban Sketchers and Paul (I hope Paul continues to sketch with the group!), listen to swing music where I was sitting, Tango next door, and take in the activity along the banks of the Seine...pretty magical.

Summer Evening watching the swing dances along the Seine, Paris...

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