Sunday, July 20, 2014

Three Color Studies

Yesterday was blazing hot, so with a headache, I stayed in most of the afternoon and did three color studies...still figuring out what colors to use here in this land of stone and sky. Mixed results, but I am learning in the process.

The two cliff images of the town across the valley, Lubriano, are views from Tony's garden. It's amazing to see the light and clouds change during the day and from day to day. For these, I used colors I learned about in the amazing Michael Reardon's workshop...a base of viridian, of all colors, but the glow it gives is pretty incredible.

The view of Civita's church, I'm actually trying to figure out the foreground colors, how to make them dark without being's a challenge. 

I hope to redo both of these views, and learning about the colors more will impact my fellowship study of the this town.


  1. I like your light and shadows in tine one of the church. Nice!!

  2. I can see Michael's influence. Great study. I'd love to hear how you resolve the muddiness.
