Thursday, August 14, 2014

Working Inside

Today the morning broke cool, thank goodness!  Italy is having the "worst" summer anyone can remember with much more rain than normal (I heard the exact same thing in Paris last year too and am starting to get paranoid, because both summers, it seems Seattle has experienced the sunniest summers on record),  but I was very grateful for today's break in the temps.  So while it poured outside, I was cozy inside working on 5 images, which I may try to sell here in a local shop!  I particularly liked these two, they are small and simple, but I really like how the colors and composition worked out.

What colors am I using?  I use Ultramarine Blue with Burnt Sienna and touch of Alizarin Crimson (a mix I learned from Stephen from Vermont who took my workshop in July--thank you for this great mix, I am using it constantly!), yellow ochre and raw umber, and for glow, I'm really liking Daniel Smith's Quinacridone Burnt Orange, similar to Burnt Sienna but doesn't get muddy when I drop it into wet paint.

Tomorrow is a holiday in Italy, Ferragosto or the Day of the Assumption of Mary, so Civita will likely be packed with visitors...yesterday, there were 1,200 tourists...

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