Friday, June 12, 2015

3 days to go...

During the winter, my blog posts are reduced to mere drips as I get busy with work, teaching, life.  But in a few days, the blog posts will start up again with a vengeance!!

In only 3 days, yet another summer of amazing adventures will start! I invite my friends, family and fellow sketchers to follow along via this blog and my flickr page too as I travel to:

Italy--Venice to sketch and paint with the amazing Marc Taro Holmes and his wife Laurel, then  Civita di Bagnoregio to teach the DRAW CIVITA sketching workshop for 5+ days,
then to Holland to see family...

Seattle for only 5 days to teach a quick workshop at the Northwest Watercolor Society's 75th Anniversary celebration, then off to

Singapore for the Urban Sketchers Symposium to teach an interactive lecture and take wonderful workshops, 
then to to Angkor Wat in Cambodia with an amazing group of sketchers, 
and finally, several days in Bangkok, Thailand.

Someone pinch me. I can't wait to see what appears in my sketchbooks!

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