Friday, July 31, 2015

Now in steamy Bangkok

Part three of the Asia trip, I'm now in Bangkok to sketch with a small group, including fellow Seattle Sketcher Gail Wong who taught at the USk symposium in Singapore.

Last night, we walked around a nearby temple to mark the first night of a Buddha day holiday. Today, more temples then dinner in the most chaotic and crowded Chinatown I have ever seen...
still very hot and 100% humidity, also gray skies and flat light...

it's late here and I'm so tired, so here are a few quick images...
From Buddha Day evening ceremony.  I was able to make an offering
to the head monk, thanks to a gracious woman and the couple she
was with.

Entry gate to Wat Arun Temple of the Dawn.

Sketcher Gail Wong, me, and my bad humidity hair on the water taxi this morning on the way to Wat Arun.

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