Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Workshops and Activities Start Today!

The symposium officially starts today! This afternoon, I'll be giving my lecture (which I'll deliver tomorrow as well), called "Good Bones" or "10 Things you Maybe Don't Know About Perspective but Should..." or something to that effect.

Here is one of the slides, from when I was sketching in Venice a few weeks ago.

Use your pencil or pen to measure the height and the width of a space or facade...close
one eye to help flatten out what you see.

I'll go through points for beginning sketchers such as how to measure proportions, for medium level sketchers such as several ways to find your vanishing points when sketching on location, and for advanced sketchers, how to sketch multiple vanishing points such as slopes and crooked streets...

Hope it goes well (I hope a few people show up too!)

I'll be taking Swede Nina Johansson's workshop this morning...cannot wait to see how she uses color!

1 comment:

  1. Your workshop sounds great. I love seeing the photos and your sketch below. Aside from the heat it sounds like a wonderful time!!!
