Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Perfect Frame

Using a frame to help you create a drawing is often really helpful...using the frame as reference, you can immediately see how high or low something is relative to the sides of the frame, and also how far across right or left using the top of the frame.  Doorways, arched openings, are great frames to use for sketches.

However, what do you do when sitting in a natural scene, like on the beach in Hawaii?  Use a natural frame!  Beach 69 was probably the most beautiful beach we went to, as it's shaded with really beautiful, sculptural trees, some of which grow horizontally.  I couldn't resist sketching and painting this view through the trees--sketched and painted in the sand, under an umbrella...ah, paradise and the perfect frame!


  1. Stephanie thank you for sharing these framed paradises. I feel I am there! I live in a desert so I get lots of sunshine but no water!!! Your paintings are always lovely, your water looks so inviting and peaceful. Which colors were you using for the ocean water??

    1. Thank you, Shirley! It was a nice trip, but I think I needed another week to really relax :)

      The water is probably too many blues, but the one I add to make it feel like tropical water is Cobalt Turquoise Light (Winsor & Newton, although Daniel Smith has a very similar color in Cobalt Teal Blue.) It's a color I carry in my back up palette. There is also some Manganese blue, and Cobalt blue in the distance...

  2. Your examples of different Frame and their impact on the overall composition are brilliant. I particularly liked the discussion on the use of natural frames. Have you ever encountered a challenging situation where finding the perfect frame was tough? How did you overcome it?
