Wednesday, September 7, 2016

An Extraordinary Gift

About two weeks ago, a box arrived on my porch from Florida. At first, I thought it was something I ordered from Amazon :), but it turned out to be something much, much better: an amazing gift.

Accompanying this beautiful, framed etching of Civita, was a lovely letter from a couple who happened to take my workshop at the Manchester Urban Sketchers Symposium.  It turns out that they, too, have been to Civita and were also inspired by that extraordinary place, and they thought I might like this etching...I don't like it, I LOVE IT! 

And I love it not only for the beautiful art that it is, but I am so deeply appreciative of this kind and thoughtful gift--my thanks to you both, Charlie Williams and Barbara Beynon. It will proudly hang in my office where I will see it every day.

Yesterday was my birthday, and this extraordinarily generous gift reminds of the many wonderful gifts in my life, particularly in the past few years. I am indeed living a dream of doing interesting work, amazing travel and sketching opportunities, and often sharing these adventures with amazing friends and artists I admire so much. As others my age are winding down, I am winding UP... I appreciate these gifts to my very core, as I am fully aware of how extraordinary all this is, and I am so grateful.  

So on in honor of my birthday and this beautiful gift from Charlie and Barbara, I send my gratitude and very best wishes to any and all who happen upon this post. I hope that your life is filled with wonderful adventures and amazing gifts. 


  1. Stephanie - happy birthday to a fellow Virgo - mine is on Friday! Isn't it fun how life hands you gifts you just don't expect sometime? This is just a lovely gift. I will be thinking of you and your instructions as I head to Chicago to take a watercolor class with my step daughter this weekend -we'll be drawing at the Farmer's Market! I'll remember my perspective instructions! Thanks! Kristin

    1. Thanks so much for your message, Kristin, and almost Happy Birthday to you! If there is anything I've learned, it is indeed that life can hand us pretty incredible gifts, and that when we receive these gifts, we have to run with them...I think my speech at graduation of my architecture school was all about the more you give, the more you get back, or something to that effect. I never thought it would play out so wonderfully!!

      Have a great time in Chicago, sketching at the Farmer's Market sounds great!

  2. Happy Birthday Stephanie. What a beautiful gift from Charlie and Barbara and a wonderful tribute to them. I hear you with the winding down vs the winding up issue. I find many of my peers are settling into a kind of hohum existence filled with talk about aches and pains and watching endless television. They bore me. They don't understand my eagerness to learn new things, spend my money on art supplies, and sketch like there is no tomorrow. Who gets me? My husband and children. Who inspires me? People like you and countless other kindred spirits I've discover online on my sketching adventure. And BTW, I'll be celebrating my 61st Birthday on the 17th.

    1. Hi Cheryl, I am so touched that you might be inspired by someone like me on your own sketching adventures!!!!! I have to say, my teaching of the past few years was jumpstarted by an urban sketcher here in Seattle, Frank Bettendorf, who has taken my workshops, does lovely sketches, and is still learning--and that was at age 80! He really inspires me!!!

      Thank you for your message, and happy birthday to you very soon, fellow Virgo!!!

    2. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  3. A lovely, thoughtful gift! I believe what you send out is returned to you - you share so much of yourself, you were bound to be the recipient of something wonderful. Happiest of birthdays to you.

  4. Hi Terrie, oh, this message is sooo lovely. Thank you, thank you for your kind words!
    xoxox S

  5. What a thoughtful gift...and just in time for your birthday.

  6. Hi, I just discovered your blog and your work on your birthday yesterday! I still would like to wish you a very happy birthday. What a thoughtful gift indeed. Thanks for sharing your insights towards your own travel supplies, tips and tricks. I'm a painter and an architect as well. It's nice to see these things keep coming together. Of course they do :) I wish you loads of good luck, fun and inspiration to keep on going this way. Kind regards, Sige
