Thursday, December 8, 2016

Winsor & Newton Video Masterclasses

Last year, I attended a Winsor & Newton demo at Daniel Smith here in Seattle where I signed up for their email  list...and I'm glad I did.  The emails have really interesting information such as how they make their brushes, how Queen Victoria used these paints, and more.

Winsor & Newton is also running an excellent series of short videos called Masterclasses...they are really beautifully done, very short, and informative. I learn something new from each email that shows up in my inbox, even though they might apply to artists who use media other than the watercolor I use. I have seen several different videos and can recommend the series.

Here is the one I got today on Titanium White vs. Zinc White, plus links to others I've seen:

Titanium White vs. Zinc White

Opaque and Transparent Oils

The Art of Glazing

If you want to sign up to receive these as emails, go to:

Sign up for W&N Masterclass emails

And let me know what you learn or if you like these too!


  1. Thanks for the info on Winsor & Newton Masterclasses. I've signed up!

    And speaking of classes, any chance you can persuade the nice folks at Craftsy to have you do a watercolor class? I know the 2nd half of your "Bones" workshop is on watercolor, but I'm in Vermont!
    Your watercolor sketches are some of the best out there, and it's not just the perspective, but your use of color too!

    1. HI Dory, I hope you like these short videos...again, I think they are really well done!
      Maybe at some point I'll do another Craftsy class (I have two, have you seen both? :)
      Or have you seen the amazing Shari Blaukopf's watercolor classes on Craftsy? She is such an inspiration, remarkable talent. And she offers workshops, closer to you...

      Where in Vermont are you? My husband and I were married at a friend's house outside of Woodstock, love that area so much. Our friend's son is now mayor of Burlington!

      Thank you so much for your very kind comments...

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