Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Lake Flato Architects on Friday!

This week, I'm heading to San Antonio, Texas...a city I love for its beauty, character, color, food, and people. In many respects, San Antonio is home to me.

My first job in Architecture was in this town, at the amazing firm of Ford, Powell & Carson. I was only there for one summer (the last summer that renowned architect O'Neil Ford was alive) before heading to Pratt in NYC for graduate school, but I've remained friends with some of the talented and warm people I met.

I'm so thrilled and honored to get to see some of those talented folks this week when I give a lunchtime talk at Lake Flato Architects.  I'm thinking to show them some of my early sketches, as my career started here, as well as original sketches from more recent travels...and of course, the teacher in me can't resist showing them a little something about sketching how-to as well, as always in the back of my mind is the desire to encourage architects to keep drawing...it's such an amazing and powerful ability to have, it helps with observing, thinking, imagining...I honestly think with a pencil in my hand!

What do you think it's important for architects to know about sketching? Any specific things you'd think might be important to show or talk about???


  1. From recently studying your book, Understanding Perspective, I would suggest you show how adding the figure(s) helps the viewer understand scale. I would assume architects would expect concentration on only buildings. Take them out of their comfort zone!

    1. I love this, Peggy, thank you! I was going to mention the eye level line, but had forgotten about describing this as a way to see scale. THANK YOU! I will definitely use this idea!

  2. I'm a community planner. In grad school graphics instruction was considered as "art". Student were encouraged to be artists. Planners and designers should be able to use graphics and illustrations as communication tools. The most effective public meetings in which I've participated had people who could translate the words to pictures. Citizens appreciated quick sketches as a work in progress. The illustrator became facilitator and communicator. The true art of the quick sketch is how it speaks to and for the viewer. By the way Stephanie, I have your book and two Craftsy classes. I'm working through your excellent instruction.
