Monday, May 22, 2017

Traveling again--looking back, looking forward...

Two weeks from today, I arrive in Rome...this will be a busy summer, teaching two workshops in June in the amazing hill town of Civita di Bagnoregio, then a trip to see family in Holland, then to Oxford, England to teach a Good Bones Workshop!  Then back to Seattle for a week of work and hosting the amazing sketcher and friend, "KK" Ch'ng Kiah Kiean from Malaysia, before heading to Chicago to teach at the USk symposium at the end of July. 
But honestly, I am so utterly grateful to be living the dream!! I have wanted to do this my entire life, and today when I am saddened about the passing of a friend much too soon, I am feeling particularly grateful.

Which takes me back to Australia...

Back in March, I arrived in Australia and first headed to Adelaide to visit with family for a few days, then it was off to Melbourne to teach, one night in Canberra, then Sydney to teach two workshops...then Home. The time just flew by.

Aussies are incredibly friendly and warm people, and these groups had some amazingly talented sketchers!

But first, here is Adelaide.

Church in Adelaide, Australia where my in-laws were married! A bit wonky, a blame the jet lag...

I arrived and had five minutes to change before I was whisked off by our family friend, Max, to a memorial service. It was for a distant relative on my husband's side--he lived a good, long life. Particularly amazing, this was held in the church where my in-laws were married long ago! Battling a 17 hour time difference and trying desperately to stay awake, I did this sketch from the back row during the service.

Two days later, we were back...and while Max attended the Sunday service, I sketched the sunlit side of the building. As the choir sang inside, the birds sang outside! I loved this view, loved capturing the sense of spaces between the buildings. It is a true 180 degree view, ear-to-ear.

Unusual for me, a one-point perspective that turns into a North Adelaide Baptist Church, Australia.

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