Tuesday, June 11, 2013

All Washed Up Today

Versailles, Bosquet de la Colonnade 1865. Hardouin-Mansart. June 11
click on the image to see it larger

Made the trip to Versailles from Paris today, only to find the rain and cold have come back.  Been like this for nearly all my 4 weeks in France!  Feeling frustrated, I did several awful sketches, then at the end was inspired by the music and the fountains at this Bosquet.  The sketch is rather overworked (I'm trying to be painterly)...needed to stop 10 minutes sooner, but it fits the mood of the day.

At Versailles, the fountains are turned on Tuesdays, Saturday, and Sundays, for an hour in the morning and 90 minutes in the afternoon.  The place really comes alive, is transformed by the white, moving water.  It's a mad dash in too little time to try and see them all!

I did have a really nice sketching lunch with an architect at Versailles whose sketches are really good. Thanks, Ruaidhri, for cheering me up (despite the awful painting I attempted...)
Your sketch was great.

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