Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Back in Paris, Back in the Studio

Today I spent all day glued to my drawing table, finally getting the opportunity to finish 
up numerous sketches from the past few weeks.  I prefer to do an entire sketch in 
the field, but it's often problematic to draw and paint at one sitting on site.  So today, 
I added color, scanned, etc. to a whole collection of images, clearing the way 
for me to dig into the final weeks of working on my Gabriel Prize project.

Going back in time, here are a few more sketches from Civita di Bagnoregio~~

thanks so much again to NIAUSI for providing the opportunity to work in this
amazing place.  I look forward to next year's workshop!

Interior of the really lovely Chiesa San Donato.
I really like this sketch, click on the image to see it larger.  I used cerulean blue under the
arches, then at the end glazed with cobalt blue--I love the cool color.
Stairs to the wonderful NIAUSI

Dramatic entry to Civita through the Porta Santa Maria, looking
to the hills and tuffa beyond. Slowly learning to capture the colors.
The secret was raw umber...I'm really happy with the watercolor
on the gate.

Gate to Tony's Garden.

Quick sketch as a storm brews in the valley on the last day, looking toward Lubriano.

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