Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Good Bones 2 Wrapped Up

Good Bones 2 USk workshop just ended this past Sunday by joining the Seattle Urban Sketchers in the International District.  Thanks to all who attended the workshop, it was a great group who came from Seattle and environs, California, Colorado, Oregon, and even as far away as Kentucky!  

The first day was perspective basics, and by mid-morning, everyone had that deer-in-the-headlights look, but by the end of the day, they started to get it.  The next day was watercolor basics, using a very limited 3-color palette to add color to their sketches.  After a few demos, it was off to the very busy Pike Place Market to put the classroom knowledge into practice--and they got great results!  A few people said they were too intimidated to sketch in public, but given the crowds of onlookers and people taking our photos, I'd say they've gotten over that fear.

On Sunday, most of the class was able to join the Seattle Urban Sketchers (thanks all for including us!), and I have to say, the results were amazing--their sketches were GREAT, even those who had never, yes, never sketched before!!  

Both workshops were a wonderful experience, thanks to all who participated.
Thanks also to Urban Sketchers for this opportunity, to the makers of Pentalic and Aquabee journals for their generous support, and to Daniel Smith for their watercolor sample cards.

Below are a few photos from the Good Bones 2 workshop--I hope some of the participants from both Good Bones and Good Bones 2 will write comments and post their sketches to the Seattle USk flickr page.

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