Friday, August 21, 2015

More from Venice, the Piazza San Marco

In Venice, I was constantly pulled to the Piazza San Marco to sketch.  Some say it is the most famous urban space and "living room" in the world, and at the very least, the icon of Venice. It is indeed an amazing space and challenging to capture in a sketch.

The sketch below was done during the blazing hot afternoon, sitting with Marc and Laurel and my husband Rich while we melted, having the most expensive latte and sandwich of our lives...and it was probably worth it for the view (and the music).

This sketch is from the upper level of the Basilica San Marco.  I documented this sketch at various stages and used the photos in my lecture on perspective in Singapore. It is sketched in my favorite sketch book, the Pentalic Aqua Journal.

And finally, for me, the quintessential view of the piazza, done while sitting next to Marc and Sean Andrew Murray.  Thanks to Laurel Holmes for capturing us in action.


  1. So. Fabulous. I am squeezing every tip I can from your beautiful sketches, and Marc Taro Holmes' book.. I will be in Italy in 2 weeks! Not Venice, but I think Rome and Florence will be challenging enough. :) Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Sherry, what a wonderful time of year to be in Italy!!!! Thanks for your comment on the sketches, you'll have amazing sketching opportunities in Rome. My friend Kelly Medford lives there and teaches, please feel free to contact her. In terms of paints, take all the colors named for earth, the ochres, sienas (as in Sienna), umbers (as in Umbria), and Marc was painting with Naples Yellow.
      Oh, also there is a pretty good art store in Rome near the Pantheon, Ditta Poggi. Of course, they sell lots of Italian Fabriano paper there!
      Have a great time!

  2. I love your sketches here and in the post below! They take me back to the two summers I spent there. You were in one of the most crowded parts of Venice. Great job!
