Saturday, March 12, 2016

I need Your help to March 13!!

BIG PUSH, as there is only one more day for this special promotion--it ends Sunday, March 13 !!! 

And you all can help me win the top prize for most new Craftsy participants!!!  I'm close to winning, and I need your help!

My online class, Perspective for Sketchers, teaches you the basics of how to draw those first few lines on your page, accurately, in only three simple steps!  No more fear, no more guessing or ignoring the perspective--it is easy when you know what to look for.  It's a great class that has helped over 2500 people around the globe learn to sketch!!

Click here to register and learn more:  "Perspective for Sketchers" by Sunday, March 13.

And as part of this special promotion, every new student to Craftsy will be registered for a drawing in which one lucky participant will get to donate $1000 to the Craft organization of their choice!  

Woo-hoo, go!!!??? 
Thank you!!!

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