Thursday, November 3, 2016

Big News: NEW Pentalic watercolor sketchbooks!!!!!

Three new sizes of Pentalic Aqua Journals, real 140lb. cold press watercolor paper

In my world, this is really BIG NEWS!!!

Pentalic is just now shipping 3 NEW sizes in sketchbooks, and I cannot wait to try them! These have been my favorite sketchbooks for several years, and I recommend them to people all the time.


Because they are the ONLY sketchbooks that have true 140lb. paper!!! 
And this makes a huge difference if you want to use watercolor.  Not Moleskine, not Handbook, not Stillman & Birn...this is the only one with high quality watercolor paper. 

I find that the texture has a good balance of smooth texture for my pencil work, and enough texture to take my watercolor work.

Slightly different proportions when compared with the Moleskine.

They are already in stock at Daniel Smith store in Seattle.
They are coming soon to Amazon.

Thanks to Carol Evenchick, Vancouver sketcher, for letting me know about this.

Thanks also to Pentalic for sending me samples to try!! 

This is super exciting!!!  
If you try these new books, let me know what you think...


  1. Some people in USk Seattle have had binding issues with the 5x8. They wrote to Pentalic and got responses, including new sketchbooks once they'd worked on correcting the problem. I've never had a problem. I rather wish they'd make a portrait format, but the 5.5x5.5 is close.

    1. Kate, I have also had issues with a few of the small sketchbooks and the binding...I have to say, these new ones feel really solid...and quite heavy, due to the actual 140lb. paper. I suspect these will hold up well!

      I'm hoping for an 8" square sketchbook...I'm using the Handbook one now, and I love the format, just not the paper :)

    2. I agree with this, Tonya L, they bindings looks really solid indeed.

  2. Any idea when they will ship to Amazon? I've been wanting a larger size for the same reason you like it....the 140# watercolor paper. I'm too excited. I'll bet it was due to your popularity that they made the larger size.

    1. I don't know when they'll be available on Amazon, but Pentalic said they are shipping now and for the next two weeks or so. They are listed on Amazon, just not available yet. I don't know that I contributed to their popularity, but it's a nice thought :) They simply offer a good product!!

      Thanks for your comment, Cynthia!

  3. This is great news! I'm sure you have single-handedly increased their sales. Love these paper in these books. I hope I can find them in Montreal or Toronto.

    1. Hi Shari! If you can't find them in Canada, let me know and I will send you sketchbooks...!

  4. I live in France and I hope I can buy them on Amazon and they will not be too expensive. I hope I have not wait too long to test them. I work mostly with Moleskine albums. I would like a slightly thicker paper.

    1. Hi Marie-Ange...I hope you will be able to get them in France! I will make an inquiry at Pentalic and will let you know what they say...

  5. Stephanie, you introduced me to the Pentalic and I love it. Can't wait for the larger ones. Thanks!

    1. Hi Marsha, I hope the new ones will ship soon--I have a feeling you will like these too.
      The paper is gorgeous!

  6. Stephanie, you introduced me to the Pentalic and I love it. Can't wait for the larger ones. Thanks!

  7. "Because they are the ONLY sketchbooks that have true 140lb. paper!!!"

    This isn't really true. The Global Arts Watercolor field books (hot and cold press versions) have 140# paper as well (which is very nice, nicer than the Fluid blocks, I think).

    You may want to try these as well; I know you like the Fluid blocks.

    Here are the links:

    1. Hi Simple Living Blogger!
      Thanks for this info...there are indeed other books that have 140lb paper, however the one you show is spiral bound, which doesn't work for me as I often draw across two pages. That is why I like the Pentalic so much, as I can work right across the gutter--doesn't work with sprial bound paper.
      But thanks for this information...I will keep an eye out for this paper. I especially like the idea of their 6" x 12" format.
