Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester, A Beautiful City

Albert Memorial in front of Manchester Town Hall.

Yesterday, I was literally scanning and cropping these sketches when the news from Manchester came through. In going through sketches over the weekend, I had come across these that I had not yet posted.

After hearing the shocking and tragic news, I decided not to do the post. But this morning, I thought maybe I should, as these are sketches from the heart of Manchester, the Town Hall and near Manchester Cathedral. They are my love letter to the city in a time of sadness.

I spent about a week in Manchester last summer before, during and after the Symposium. 

Simone and the team were so proud of their city as they bused a large group of instructors to see the sights. It's a beautiful city in a real word kind of way. Some gorgeous architecture, but what really resonated was the heritage of strong, hard working people (manufacturing buildings throughout), further evidenced by their TWO amazing football/soccer teams. I saw a city that wasn't pretty, it was beautiful...and it breaks my heart that this beautiful city has just seen this kind of senseless tragedy.

So today, I remember and honor the spirit of Manchester with love in the way I know how... with a few words and sketches.
Old half-timber building across from Manchester Cathedral.


  1. I'm glad you posted Stephanie, terrorist will not change our planned activities. Beautiful images and heartfelt homage to Manchester.

    1. Thank you, Max...I appreciate your message, and yes, we are sending love to Manchester...

  2. Hi Stephanie, today I have discovered your beautiful work for the first time via Craftsy, thank you for giving me the courage and confidence to try sketching, your classes are just wonderful, you make everything make sense. I've just landed on your blog for the first time and I am blown away! Thank you for opening up a whole new world to me, I might not sleep tonight!! I only live an hour north of Manchester and can't wait to go and try sketching there one day.. Thank you just doesn't seem enough. xxx

  3. Hey Stephanie, today I have found your lovely work out of the blue by means of Craftsy, thank you for giving me the strength and certainty to have a go at outlining, your classes are quite recently magnificent, you bode well. I've quite recently arrived on your blog out of the blue and I am overwhelmed! Much thanks to you for opening up a radical new world to me, I won't not rest today around evening time!! I just experience a hour north of Manchester and can hardly wait to go and have a go at outlining there one day.. Much obliged to you simply doesn't appear to be sufficient.
