Friday, June 29, 2018

The Quiet of San Lorenzo in Florence

It's hot, you're tired, you are battling the crowds in Florence, Italy. What to do? I will often look for a church, of which there are so many beautiful examples in Italy, to sit and sketch. It's quiet, cool, comfortable, and I can recharge my energy. Plus, I love the challenge of sketching these majestic spaces in perspective!

This is the Basilica San Lorenzo. It was rebuilt by famous architect Brunelleschi (as in the architect of the dome in Florence!) in 1419 and is the burial place of most of the Medici family.

I kept this sketch pretty simple, due to my energy level and time, just the basic shapes of the spaces, using the blue to show areas that recede and the white/yellow to pop forms forward. 

After Firenze, I was off to teach my 6th year of workshops in the amazing Civita di Bagnoregio, an incredible hill town near Orvieto. But in Florence, I got to meet up with workshop participant Goda Dattatreya to walk around and see some of the sights. It was so great to have her company!

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