Sunday, April 21, 2013

Along the San Antonio Riverwalk

I just got back last Wednesday from San Antonio, Texas where I was visiting my mom and nursing a very, very bad cold that left me dragging my feet everywhere.  
Finally mustered up some energy and headed down to the beautiful, lush, San Antonio Riverwalk to sketch.  My friend Pam (we've known each other since nursery school!!) sat next to me and did crochet while I drew.

The long sketch is the Arneson River Theater at the heart of the old Riverwalk.  The steel umbrellas were sketched duringlunch outdoors at La Gloria, a great mexican restaurant in the Pearl, part of the new Riverwalk extension.  Was so nice to sit outside....

I'm starting to gear up with this blog in preparation for heading to Paris in less than a month, on May 14.  Can't wait to get there to draw and paint every day--the Gabriel Prize is a wonderful fellowship--then head to Italy for the Civita workshop (there are still open spots if anyone is interested), then to Barcelona for the Urban Sketchers Symposium.  All so exciting, I can hardly believe this great good fortune.

Please join me on this amazing trip via this blog--this will be my online journal and letters home via sketches, photos, and notes.  Merci! Grazie! Gracias!

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