Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sketching Workshop in Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy! Sign up now!

This summer, I'll take a break from Paris to teach an architectural perspective sketching workshop in the amazing town of Civita di Bagnoregio, ancient pedestrian-only hill town about 60 miles north of Rome.  Planned together with NIAUSI, the Northwest Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in Italy, we will have the opportunity to stay in the organization's beautifully restored, stone facilities in Civita.

The workshop promises to be amazing, and if you have ever wanted to really LEARN perspective, this is your opportunity! We will be sketching the charming streets, piazzas and buildings of Civita, the farmer's market in Bagnoregio, the hills and orchards in the valley below, dining al fresco in the garden, and more.  We'll cover perspective, pencil and pen sketching, and watercolor (I recently qualified to become a signature member of the Northwest Watercolor Society).  

And because this is the first year we are offering this event, it will be fairly short, very reasonably priced, and the group will be very small, 5-7 people with lots of one-on-one instruction.

If you'd like more information on me and my work, please go to and click on the links.
For info on the Civita Workshop including itinerary and costs, go to and click on Civita Workshop.
You can also contact me directly at
For more information on the beautiful NIAUSI facilities in Italy, go to
To see what Rick Steves says about Civita,

Be sure to sign up soon!!  Space is limited!

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