Saturday, July 27, 2013

I pass this building all the time...

The Cité des Arts where I'm staying is almost right behind the City Hall of Paris-- I pass it all the time, so I had to try and capture it before leaving.  The Hôtel de Ville has been in this location since 1357, according to Wikipedia.  The building is covered with niches occupied by statues of famous frenchmen,
including architect Boulé from one of my first sketches of this trip.

Was a little overwhelming to sketch, sitting on the curb.  Cars and motorcycles would pull up right in front of me, some pretending I wasn't there and others, making funny faces and hoping I'd draw them into the sketch.  Next time I'll take my stool to sit on!

Today I'm off to Vaux le Vicomte this weekend for my Gabriel Prize project--hope to do lots of painting, if the violent thunderstorms we've been having (due to heat) don't pose a problem. Tonight is the amazing Saturday night candle lighting of the château and gardens--it is really beautiful. I'll post a photo here when I'm back on Sunday night.

Paris, I pass the Hôtel de Ville all the time...July25

Same building, my second sketch
of the trip in the rain, from the top
of the BHV department store.


  1. Stephanie,

    I just spent 9 months in Paris, some of it sketching while sitting on the curb or anything else. I finally bought a stool but even then had learn how to be invisible. I love your sketch.

  2. I just read through your posts and discovered that you joined up with Paris Urban Sketchers. It is a lovely group and I often went out sketching with them. If you are still in Paris say hello to Kim and Fleur for me.

  3. Thank you, Jeff--I will probably see Kim today and will send your regards. I did bring a stool with me, but don't always lug it
    around as I should...thanks for checking out the blog! A bientôt~~
