Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekend at Vaux le Vicomte, looking for Vanishing Points

Once again, I was able to spend the weekend at the Château Vaux le Vicomte as part of my Gabriel Prize study.  A warm thanks to M. Alexandre De Vogüé for his support in allowing me to stay in an apartment on site--it was incredibly valuable to have that extra time in the late evening (and to enjoy the candle lit château and gardens, and fireworks!) and the early morning in the quiet gardens.

Saturday was roasting hot--I hope I lost a good 5 pounds in pure perspiration!  Sunday was thankfully much cooler, at least in the morning, and I was able to make the long walk to the opposite side of the canal to get this view looking back toward the château.  It is a study for the final view of the three I need to complete for the Gabriel Prize project.  I found a shady spot and did this sketch, but had to color it later due to time.

I like this view--even though it is asymmetrical (and these gardens are based on symmetry), it shows the relationship of the gardens to the chateau, including the hidden canal and grotto fountain you see in the foreground of this sketch. And, I think I'm finally, finally, finding a balance of pencil to paint that I like.

Vaux is an amazing place--calm, elegant, and full of Landscape Architect Le Nôtre's perspective and optical tricks, which predate Versailles.

Château Vaux le Vicomte, looking back toward the château
from across the hidden canal.  The fountains were running the previous
day, and the movement and sound of water really transform
these gardens. July 28.


  1. Balance, in so many other ways as well as the pencil to paint! Really beautiful Stephanie. I've been following and loving it all!!

  2. Hi Marilyn, thanks so much for following all this and especially for posting a comment! Balance in life and every thing else, right?
