Sunday, August 4, 2013

I wanted to be in San Antonio, Texas today...

I was there in spirit.  

Today was the memorial service for someone I've known virtually all my life, my Uncle Harley.  Not an uncle by blood, but certainly he was family. Going to his home has somehow always felt like going home to me.  So today, I am so very sad not to be with my mom, Aunt Marg and the Dennett clan, and with the huge community of friends who will turn up at that beautiful house overlooking the central Texas limestone cliff.  He is loved and so very much missed. I'm sure he was honored in grand style today, midst many, many tears.

So today in Paris, I did my best to honor him in spirit.  Weepy all day, I headed to the architecture museum.  A radiologist by profession, Uncle Harley could have, maybe should have been an architect. So it was at this museum, which has a lovely view of a certain iconic landmark, I decided to do a sketch in his honor.  I left it simple and elegant, like him.  I think he would have liked it.

In honor of my Uncle Harley. August 4


  1. Thanks Stephanie, it's beautiful, I'm sure he would have loved it.

  2. Thanks so much, Ham...I'll call you as soon as I'm back in the US.
    Love you~~
