Saturday, August 3, 2013

Painting at Vaux le Vicomte

Since I'm busy working on my final Gabriel Prize drawings, I thought I'd post 2 images I did last week, both at Château Vaux le Vicomte.  

The fountain view I drew and painted on site, in the heat.  I am thinking about adding more to it, but I like the gesture of the water so much, I'll likely leave it as is.

The second is the courtyard of Vaux's cafe, which is its own right is very beautiful.  It was again blazing hot, the sun making the stone seem to glow.  I sketched the view on good watercolor paper while having a tea, and then painted it back at the Cité.

Cafe courtyard at Vaux le Vicomte. July 28

Fountains in the garden at Vaux le Vicomte. July 27


  1. Stephanie, I have really enjoyed following your blog all summer and living vicariously through your sketches! Your work has grown and matured, you should be proud of all the hard work you have put in. You have also endured quite a variety of weather challenges and still produced amazing sketches... Can't wait to see an exhibition of all your work even an informal one would be wonderful. Best wishes on finishing your final pieces and safe travels home.

    1. Hi David, thank you so much for writing this wonderful comment. I'm still in the midst of it all, so I can't really see if I've accomplished much yet. Maybe when looking back in 6 months...
      The challenges have sure been real--weather and otherwise, but in all, what an incredible opportunity and experience this has been. I'll happily share all 5 sketchbooks with you when I'm back in cool Seattle!
      Thanks again for your good wishes, I send mine back to you as well.

  2. Love that Cafe Courtyard sketch! Those blues under that orange umbrella are amazing! And how everything else wonderfully echoes that color scheme...really, really nice. It would make a great postcard, or note-card. Of course, so many of your sketches would!

    1. Hi Peggy, thanks so much for your kind comments! At some point, I think I might make cards of some of these sketches...
      Thanks for viewing the blog~~
