Friday, June 27, 2014

The First Pancake

With such intense jet lag that I fell right in front of my hotel upon arrival in Rome, I was still determined to stay awake and headed for the Pantheon, more or less ground zero for this amazing, colorful city...very different from the tidy gray/blues of Paris last summer.

The piazza was packed with people and it was late in the day, but I pulled out my three-legged stool, Pentalic sketchbook and mechanical pencil from last summer in Paris and claimed a spot. The view was often blocked by the crowds, but it was fun to hear them say "WOW" as they rounded the corner behind me.

I now see some really funky things in this sketch, which I will attribute to the extreme jet lag :) The pediment has shifted to the left and the buildings on the left look more than a little wobbly.
But it's a start...after the first pancake (we toss that one, right?), hopefully the next one will be better and you'll see these improve! 

After this sketch, it was off to the Piazza Navona for a second one, followed by a gelato.
Benvenuto a Roma!

First sketch in Rome, ouch, the jet lag shows!


  1. Stephanie, fantastic. Absolutely beautiful. And all those perfectly vertical figures are wonderful. I remember standing right in front of the Pantheon. It hasn't changed. And in spite of the jet lag, the buildings on the left are fantastic too. Do you remember the days we sketched together? The houses on Martha's Vineyard, you sketched yours, I sketched mine--those were the days . . .

    1. Hi Gail, I DO remember that!
      Jet lag is getting better, so look for better sketches coming up~~

  2. What a great sketch! Really, there's so much richness in this sketch that one really doesn't mind the "wonkiness" as you call it. Thanks so much for posting. Please continue to do so cuz those of us at home, who dream of doing this someday, are greatly fed and encouraged by reading your blog!!

    1. HI Peggy, so nice of you to write! I almost didn't post this sketch due to the wonkiness, but what the heck. Hopefully, that will improve! Thanks so much for reading this blog and following along~~
