Friday, June 26, 2015

Canals in Venezia

When on the road, it's hard to post to the blog in real time.  

I am already in Civita (where the weather is crisp and clear, cool breeze and hot afternoons, unusually green) and the workshop folks arrive this afternoon!  I am really behind in my posts...of Venice and also Orvieto where Rich and I stayed one night.

Here are more images of Venice.  While there, I had the great pleasure of sketching alongside of the really amazing Urban Sketcher Marc Taro Holmes from Montreal and walking the narrow stone streets also with Marc's wife Laurel who herded us cats!  Marc draws very little and paints a lot, I draw a lot and paint little...was interesting to see.

Midday watching the parade of gondolas,
Bridge of Sighs, Venice

Yet another canal, this one with lovely towers.
Overworked the water with paint,
I'll blame it on the jeg lag :)


  1. These sketches are even more amazing than last year's awesome sketches! You just keep drawing a lot, and adding a little paint, cuz your style is really gives us a feel for where you are!!

    1. Hi Peggy, you are sooooo kind and wonderful to send this message! I was really intimidated sketching next to Marc :), so your message is so very encouraging. Thank you! Hope all is well in sunny Seattle!
