Tuesday, June 23, 2015

First Sketch in the heart of Venezia

Jet lagged, overwhelmed by the place and people, nervous about sketching anywhere near Marc Taro Holmes, this was the first sketch in Venice.  

In the several days that have followed, I've come up with some good sketches, some bad sketches, some OK sketches... I think it's like photographers who shoot 1000 photos to get only one really good one. Sketching is little like that too, it truly takes work and practice.

The Piazza San Marco is an amazing place, it really is "the living room of Europe" in many ways.  Something about the scale of the spaces, the angles of the buildings (was anything square?), how old this place is and how many centuries of incredible people have stepped on these same stones below my feet.  Really inspiring.


  1. Super sketch, there's so much going on at San Marco.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Yorky! Indeed, it is an amazing place with a lot going on! Jet lag didn't help :)
